Sideway Elevators

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Sure, here is a 40-50 word featured snippet that clearly and directly answers this article’s key question:

Sideway elevators are a new type of elevator that can move horizontally, diagonally, and vertically. They use linear motor technology to move, which means that they don’t use ropes and pulleys. This makes them more efficient and less space-saving than traditional elevators.

Sideway elevators are still in the early stages of development, but they have the potential to revolutionize the way we move around in buildings.

First of all, let’s agree that … TECHNOLOGY IS AWESOME

If you were quite lazy or you think it is a long distance between your hotel room and the elevator, technology or – to be more precise – ThyssenKrupp introduce us to the solution… the Sideway Elevator.

So what is the story of this new invention?! “We will find out in the next section.”

Sideways elevators offer a unique approach to vertical transportation, breaking away from traditional vertical lift designs. In this article, we will dive into the concept of sideways elevators, explore diagonal and horizontal designs, discuss popular models like Sideways Elevator Thyssenkrupp and Sideways Elevator Luxor, and shed light on the differences between vertical lifts and elevators. If you’re in need of elevator and escalator spare parts, TTI lift Turkish Technology & Industry is the leading company to fulfill your requirements.

Sideway Elevators – History

ThyssenKrupp the German Manufacturer since 2014 is working to invent a new kind of elevators called “Multi” it cannot just go vertically –up and down – but also can move horizontally – left and right – and even diagonally, however, this is not just the only difference, Multi –according to the company’s website- does not use the standard rope and pulley method but use what so-called Linear Motor Technology.

Sideway Elevators – How it work?

So the Other question would be How can a simple motor move this kind of load without even using ropes, because simply. It’s Not a Simple Motor

The Linear Motor developed for the magnetic levitation Transrapid train Mechanism establish strong magnets on every Multi’s car work with a magnetized coil running along the elevator hoist way’s guide rails in order to make the cars float, so in case of switching these coils on and off the motor will work creating very strong magnetic fields that allow the elevator moving to every possible direction 

This way the elevator can turn at 90 degrees and move effortlessly sideways in a way that a passenger would never notice from the inside. The same technology used in high-speed trains and the proposed Hyper Loop.

Know more about
The mechanism behind an elevator: How does an elevator work?

Applications on Sideway Elevators

If you were living in Germany and of course not afraid of riding such a metal box move from 1,000 to 1,400 feet per minute – far slower than the one experienced in Dubai’s Burj Khalifa – You may have the chance to test this rope-less lift in a German tower in the medieval town of Rottweil, but there is a little problem… they already have tested it in 2017, however still have the chance as ThyssenKrupp – the manufacturer – has sold the first Multi to residential building under construction in Berlin. 

Andreas Schierenbeck – CEO, ThyssenKrupp Elevator said that ““We believe MULTI is a genuine game-changer that will truly transform the way people move, work and live in our built environment, reducing passenger waiting times and requiring significantly less space within a building. MULTI truly represents a landmark revolution in the elevator industry.”

 And YES, He has a very good point…

Know more about

Simple Lift Mechanisms

Sideways Elevators: Design and Applications:

Sideways elevators, as the name suggests, move in a horizontal or diagonal direction, providing a distinct alternative to the conventional vertical lift. These innovative designs find applications in various industries and settings, such as museums, shopping malls, and airports. Sideways elevators offer a visually striking and efficient means of transportation.

Diagonal Elevators

Diagonal elevators are a type of sideways elevator that moves diagonally within a building. This design offers a unique and captivating experience for passengers. It not only provides transportation but also adds an aesthetic element to the architectural design of a structure.

Horizontal Elevators

Horizontal elevators, on the other hand, move horizontally, offering an alternative to traditional vertical lifts. They are particularly suitable for buildings with limited vertical space or architectural constraints. Horizontal elevators provide an efficient solution while maintaining the functionality and safety standards of traditional vertical lifts.

Our way of living is continuously changing, imagine you are living on the 150th floor, and also you need to walk around 400 feet to get to your apartment, getting to your floor is just the beginning while getting to your apartment is the distance.

And as Markus Jetter, Head of Research in Thyssenkrupp said “Buildings are becoming like vertical cities,”

Popular Sideways Elevator Models

Sideways Elevator Thyssenkrupp: Thyssenkrupp, a renowned horizontal elevator aircraft manufacturer, has introduced sideways elevator models that feature innovative technology and sleek designs. These horizontal elevator aircraft elevators offer a seamless and comfortable transportation experience while adding a touch of elegance to the building’s interior.

Sideways Elevator Luxor: Luxor is another brand that has introduced impressive horizontal elevator aircraft models. The Luxor horizontal elevator aircraft elevators combine functionality, aesthetics, and cutting-edge technology to deliver a unique vertical transportation solution. These horizontal elevator aircraft elevators are designed to enhance the overall experience for passengers.

Exploring the Future with vertical and horizontal Elevator Aircraft

As we delve into the future of vertical transportation, horizontal elevator aircraft are emerging as groundbreaking innovations. The concept of horizontal elevator aircraft represents a paradigm shift in the way we envision and experience vertical mobility. The horizontal elevator aircraft technology promises efficient and dynamic movement, opening up new possibilities for architecture and urban design.

Vertical and Horizontal Elevator Aircraft Engineering Marvels

The engineering behind vertical and horizontal elevator aircraft is a testament to human ingenuity. These vertical and horizontal elevator aircraft are designed with precision and advanced mechanisms to ensure a smooth and secure transportation experience. The engineering marvels of vertical and horizontal elevator aircraft not only redefine vertical transportation but also contribute to the evolution of smart and sustainable cities.

Differences between Vertical Lifts and Elevators

Vertical Lifts

Vertical lifts operate on a strictly vertical trajectory, moving passengers or goods between different levels of a building. They are commonly used in residential and commercial buildings and follow a linear path, going up and down in a straight line. Vertical lifts are known for their simplicity and reliability.


Elevators, on the other hand, encompass a broader category that includes both vertical lifts and sideways elevators. While traditional elevators primarily operate vertically, sideways elevators introduce horizontal or diagonal movement. Elevators are versatile and can be customized to meet specific architectural and functional requirements.

Know more about
Elevator Door Mechanisms


Sideways elevators, including diagonal and horizontal designs, offer an innovative approach to vertical transportation. These elevators provide efficient and visually appealing solutions for various applications. Whether you’re considering Sideways Elevator Thyssenkrupp or Sideways Elevator Luxor, these models combine cutting-edge technology with elegant design. When it comes to elevator and escalator spare parts, TTI lift Turkish Technology & Industry is the leading company you can rely on. Contact TTI lift today to fulfill your spare parts needs and elevate your vertical transportation experience.

Small Note: Burj Khalifa Tower the tallest building in the world – till now – is over 828 meters (2,716.5 feet) high and has more than 160 stories, So it is not impossible to have such an apartment 

It may look easy for this simple example however, you need to let your imagination float to see how different ways of thinking can make such a difference to our life. 

It’s weird, but using Sideway Elevators can be fun. Contact TTI lift for the best service.

What is the difference between vertical lift and elevator?

Vertical lifts move strictly in a vertical direction, while elevators encompass a broader category that includes both vertical lifts and sideways elevators, offering horizontal or diagonal movement as well.

What is the difference between elevator and escalator?

Elevators transport passengers or goods vertically between different levels of a building, while escalators provide continuous, inclined movement. Additionally, elevators typically have doors, while escalators do not.